Peer Support Group
A free, confidential listening and referral service for
Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme participants
Available every night from 8 pm - 1 am!
Call us: 050-5534-5566 or Skype: 'AJETPSG'
Prefectures M – Y
*NB: This is all the information we currently have; some prefectures might be missing information. Click over to our 'Contact Us' page if you would like to submit information for your prefecture. All PA information is of their business contact, not their personal contact. For email addresses, please replace [at] and any additional spaces with the @ symbol.
Mie 三重県
PA's tel. no.: 059-222-5974
PA Website: https://miepanewsletter.wordpress.com/
AJET Website: https://mieajet.wordpress.com/
Website: https://www.mieguidebook.org/wiki/Main_Page
Miyagi 宮城県
Website: https://miyagijets.wordpress.com/
AJET Website: https://www.miyagi-ajet.org/
Miyazaki 宮崎県
Website: https://miyazakiajet.org/
Nagano 長野県
PAs' email: nagano.pa [at] gmail.com
CIR PA's email: ian-sacks-r [at] pref.nagano.lg.jp || CIR PA's tel. no.: 026-235-7188
ALT PA's email: vikki-nguyen-r [at] pref.nagano.lg.jp || PA's tel. no.: 026-235-7435
Website: naganojets.wordpress.com
AJET Website: https://naganojets.wordpress.com/about-us/meet-the-pas/contact-us/
Nagasaki 長崎県
PA's email: nagasaki.pa [at] gmail.com
Website: https://nagasakijet.com
Nara 奈良県
PAs' email: narajetpa [at] gmail.com
AJET Website: https://naraajets.wixsite.com/nara
Niigata 新潟県
CIR PA's tel. no.: 025-280-5098 ext: 2129
AJET Website: http://ajetniigata.com/
Oita 大分県
Website: http://oitajets.weebly.com/
Okayama 岡山県
Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/okayamaAJET/
Okinawa 沖縄県
Website: https://okijets.com/
AJET Website: https://okiajet.com/
Osaka 大阪府
AJET Website: https://jetosaka.wordpress.com/author/jetosaka/
Saga 佐賀県
CIR PA's email: hannah-winters [at] pref.saga.lg.jp || PA's tel. no.: 0952-25-7328
Website: https://sagajet.com/
Saitama 埼玉県
Shiga 滋賀県
ALT PAs' email: kenchopa [at] gmail.com
CIR PAs' email: shigapa [at] gmail.com
Website: https://shigajets.weebly.com/
Shimane 島根県
ALT PA's email: shimane.alt.pa [at] gmail.com
ALT PA's tel. no.: 085-222-5412
CIR PA's email: shimanecirpa [at] gmail.com
CIR PA's tel. no.: 085-222-5020
Website: shimaneparesources.wordpress.com
Shizuoka 静岡県
AJET Website: http://shizajet.com/
Tochigi 栃木県
Tokushima 徳島県
PA's email: kokusai2 [at] mail.pref.tokushima.jp
PA's tel. no(s).: 088-656-3303 & 088-621-2092
Website: http://tokushimajet.com/
Tokyo 東京都
Public School PA's email: Jakurin_Koria [at] member.metro.tokyo.jp
Private School PA's email: privatejetpas [at] gmail.com
Website: http://tokyojet.wikia.com/wiki/Tokyo_JET_Wiki
Tottori 鳥取県
Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2364782083/10150784025682084/
Toyama 富山県
PA's email: toyamapa [at] gmail.com || PA's tel. no.: 076-444-6164
Website: www.toyamajets.net
Wakayama 和歌山県
PA's email: jacy.garant [at] ajet.net || PA's tel. no.: 073-974-2191
Website: https://wakayamajets.fandom.com/wiki/Wakayama_JET_Wiki
Yamagata 山形県
ALT PAs' email: taylorg2021 [at] pref.yamagata.jp || ALT PA's tel. no.: 070-1823-5409
CIR PA's email: wrightt2021 [at] pref.yamagata.jp || CIR PA's tel. no.: 070-1147-5270
Website: http://yamagatajet.wikia.com/
***Note: Contact your RAs first before you contact the PAs.
Yamaguchi 山口県
CIR PA's email: pa.yamaguchi [at] gmail.com || CIR PA's tel. no.: 083-933-2347
Yamanashi 山梨県
Websites: https://yamanashijet.netlify.app/contact%20us || http://www.yetijapan.com/
Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/435902766441961