Peer Support Group
A free, confidential listening and referral service for
Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme participants
Available every night from 8 pm - 1 am!
Call us: 050-5534-5566 or Skype: 'AJETPSG'
Prefectural Resources
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) has existed since the inception of the JET Programme. It shares a plethora of resources that are relevant not only to the current JET community and JET alumni but also to the entire expat community in Japan. Find out more by clicking the link on the top left.
Need to get in touch with Prefectural Advisers? Please find their contact information and the addresses of JET prefectural websites above. *NB: This is all the information we currently have for PAs; some prefectures might be missing information or have outdated information. Click over to our 'Contact Us' page if you would like to submit information for your prefecture. All PA information is of their business contact, not their personal contact. For email addresses, please replace [at] and any additional spaces with the @ symbol.