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Welcome to the AJET Peer Support Group site!

The AJET Peer Support Group (PSG) started in the early 1990s as support for participants of the newly formed JET Programme. We are a listening and referral service that operates on the principles of confidentiality and anonymity. As a service by JETs for JETs, our volunteers are all current JET Programme participants.
PSG is open to all current JET Programme participants every night of the year, from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am — a period when other services, such as the Tokyo English Life Line (TELL), are not in service and when Prefectural Advisors (PAs) are often unavailable. Our service is free, and we can be contacted at 050-5534-5566, or via Skype at AJETPSG (voice call, not IM). If call service fees apply, contact us directly via Skype. All callers to PSG will hear a short message in Japanese before connecting.

PSG does not provide professional or ongoing counseling but will gladly provide resources in those situations. Whether you’ve had a bad day at work, need help finding a doctor, or want to speak English with someone, the volunteers at PSG are here for you! Just give us a call whenever you're ready.


If you're interested in becoming a part of PSG's volunteer team, check out our Become a Volunteer page. If you would like to help our continued growth by providing up-to-date and accurate information for this site, please get in touch with us at You can also connect with the AJET Peer Support Group on Instagram and Facebook.

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Call us: 050-5534-5566   ||   Skype: AJETPSG

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